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Premier Veterinary Group

Small cat getting an ultrasound

Diagnostic Imaging

Our team provides high-level imaging technology, experience, and on-site service.

Just like humans, animals can benefit from medical imaging technologies to diagnose various conditions. Premier Veterinary Group provides imaging techniques to help evaluate several conditions, including bone fractures, cardiac and pulmonary problems, cancer, and brain tumors.Veterinary diagnostic imaging allows us to non-invasively evaluate your pet and diagnose some medical conditions. Our diagnostic imaging department will work in conjunction with your regular veterinarian to provide the diagnostic imaging your pet needs.Our teams have extensive training in advanced imaging diagnostics and use the most sophisticated equipment on the market today.

Diagnostic Modalities:

  • Computed Tomography (CT Scan) - Orland Park, Chicago

  • MRI - Chicago

  • Radiography (X-Rays)

  • Ultrasound

  • Abdominal, Cardiac, Thoracic

  • Outpatient Abdominal Ultrasound - Chicago

  • Drop-off appointments for stable patients, with a referral from your family veterinarian


Our Diagnostic Imaging Team